Saturday, August 13, 2011

King Creosote Boston - Wow

I feel so negligent.
Lets be honest going to see Matthew And The atlas made me feel jaded and hateful. I had no expectations for Kenny aka King Creosote. When I walked away from this concert I felt I had been lucky to be there that I had just seen an amazingly honest amazing and beautiful performance.
King Creosote and Jon Hopkins Diamond Mine is a laid back album with some posituve notes but the night left me gasping. The whole performance was worth noticing but when Kenny sang 'Your Young voice' the emotion the honesty and the whole tenor of the performance left me gasping in amazement and speechless. videoing the song always leaves you detached and not appreciating it but that this performance was not caught takes my heart and throttles it with pain. I felt dazed afterward, applause was a understated way to respond to such a performance. Then lets go to the other extreme at the end of the night Kenny left us with his rendition of Francie and Josie's 'La di da' song. This vaudeville like song which coaches such a hilarious concept in such veiled terms is fun to watch on youtube but an experience live.
Kenny is a legend in Scotland and a incredibly down to earth man.
I can totally understand both the adulation and approachability of this man come record label hero.
Nobody noticed this concert but it is one I feel awed to have been at and truely thankful for.
real music is out there its just a matter of finding it. Kenny, you awed me and I am pretty jaded.

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